By Martin Falatic
Written 2002-06-24
Revised 2002-06-24
One glance and you will be drawn in
Gazing in haunted silence
Your expression bemused, perhaps – but no matter –
It is not unexpected.
Her face is perfect even in its nuance,
Small, serious lips framing her mouth,
Raven hair touching her shoulders
But it is her eyes that capture you most
Breaking down defenses you never knew you had
Seeming to peer into your very heart
So profound a sensation,
As though you have stepped apart from yourself
Cast adrift in your reverie
And in that moment you will make your first mistake
A sudden flash of insight, understandable…
So very human, so very romantic,
Yet utterly wrong
Your mind races to capture the moment
To drink it whole, to become it
To tame this wild spirit, to tame her,
To consume and in so doing, to be consumed
You may even succeed, in time
You believe that you’ve found heaven –
The living embodiment –
To be worshipped, to be held sacred.
But know this:
Angels wings are not seen reflected in her eyes
Nor is the sound of her voice an echo of choirs celestial
Nor is the touch of her lips a touch of the divine
She is all too human,
A woman transformed, yet who herself cannot transform
Just a kindred spirit,
One who had once glimpsed heaven,
And in whom the memory burns bright.
She may not embody heaven,
Just a wanderer as yourself,
But if you follow closely,
She can show you the way.